Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Family Feel Good

In the midst of a very medicore week; I always have this to look forward to...

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Considering myself to be a now semi-professional at writing thank you notes, I would like to send a big blog shout out to the writers of Modern Family. Sometimes I am very sad that it is a short 30 minutes long but then I would hate to ever take it for granted if it was longer and it always leaves me wanting more. Despite the fact the Blair has told me multiple times that I remind him of Claire Dunphy (ouch), I continue to watch, quote it at the office the next day, laugh to myself at my desk, and repeat the punchlines. So thank you Modern Family for reminding me on a weekly basis that my sense of humor  is still alive and well, regardless of all of the punches that the working world may throw at it.

Thanks for reading, hope you all have a great week!


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