Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bake No Evil

The following photos are real.
Deliciousness may not be suitable for all audiences.
Healthy appetite discretion is advised.

Cupcakes from Marsha's birthday...well, what's left of them at least.

Halloween cupcakes that Sam just HAD to make.

The remains of the Nutella brownies I made for Marsha's birthday.


Because the cupcakes, brownies, and icing were obviously not enough.
These are all things that are in our kitchen right now. We have all responded to this sugary situation in different ways; Marsha seems to actually get a little upset, coming home from work looking at the sugar (I think that is the best term for our epidemic) and saying "Y'all get this stuff out of here!". Sam and I on the other hand, sense Marsha's stress and try to diminish the sugar situation with a bite here and a spoonful there. Unfortunately, Ashton has been under the weather lately so she has been able to avoid allow-to-cool-before-frosting-flu.

The only thing working in our favor right now is the fact that Sam's boyfriend and his roommates live across the street. This means when we are on the brink of drowning in our baked goods we can rid ourselves of our guilt and sugar-induced headaches and pawn these illnesses off on our hungry neighbors.

Bottom line: If the next time you see me I have icing in my hair or sprinkles on my face, please do not judge. I am surrounded. Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. I have read this post 3 times and laughed out loud each time. I'm not sure if it's in efforts to justify our pathetic addiction to sweets or just to see if I can enjoy them again by simply observing what remains. At least no one can accuse us of not being sweet enough. POINT PROVEN.
